
From Book to Script to Film Development


This dynamic project has been in the works from book to script for over ten years. Winning the Christian Book of the Year Award in 2010, the book opened up a new perspective on the ever-changing view of terrorism and terrorists.
In 2014 the book was recommended as a great topic for a film. From there, the idea grew and became a powerful script as Abducted to Kill. But the best part of the story is that though there are overwhelming difficulties God's light still shines through.

The goal is to produce a film worthy of international distribution that tells the story of a young American Christian living in Iran during the beginning reign of Ayatollah Khomeini. Joseph is brutally abducted to fight for the Hezbollah Army but instead fights for his life and the lives of his family and fiancée. This fictitious story reflects a true scenario in the life of the many men and women abducted from the streets of Iran during the formation of the Hezbollah Army.

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